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Recordings from the ETHICS x AI /HEL2019 program

ETHICS x AI is a discussion platform across national borders and fields of knowledge. The Goethe–Institut Finnland, the German Congregation in Finland and the German–Finnish Chamber of Commerce (AHK Finnland) organized the expert seminar in Helsinki on October 2nd 2019 to bring together international experts from science, business, politics, culture, and faith as well as discourses from Germany and Finland.

See recordings from the 2019 program:

ETHICS x AI /HEL2019 Keynote: Artificial Intelligence and Ethics, Maija-Riitta Ollila

Maija Riita Ollila is a Finnish philosopher, who recently published a book about AI and ethics.

ETHICS x AI /HEL2019 Keynote: AI is Software, Johan Himberg

Dr. Johan Himberg is a principal consultant at Reaktor and a former researcher in machine learning with over 20 years of experience in the field.

ETHICS x AI /HEL2019 Keynote: ETHICS x AI in Germany, Mario Brandenburg

Mario Brandenburg is representative of the Study Commission ‘Artificial Intelligence Social Responsibility and Economic, Social and Ecological Potential’ of the German Bundestag.

ETHICS x AI /HEL2019 Podium: Meeri Haataja, Maija-Riitta Ollila, Mario Brandenburg, Johan Himberg

On the podium: Maija-Riitta Ollila, Johan Himberg, Mario Brandenburg, Meeri Haataja (Chair of IEEE’s Ethics Certification Program for Autonomous & Intelligent Systems), and the moderator Petri Malmelin.

ETHICS x AI /HEL2019 Interview: Prof. Dr. theol. Frank Mathwig (in German)

Prof. Dr. theol. Frank Mathwig is Commissioner of Theology and Ethics at the Federation of Swiss Protestant Churches (SEK–FEPS).

ETHICS x AI /HEL2019 Fireside Chat: Michael Laakasuo and Johan Himberg

Michael Laakasuo is Adjunct Professor of Cognitive Science at University of Helsinki. Johan Himberg (PhD), a principal consultant, and a former researcher in machine learning, with over 20 years of experience in the field.

ETHICS x AI /HEL2019 Keynote: AI and Free Will—Who is Responsible, Aku Visala

Aku Visala is a philosopher of religion at University of Helsinki. His work is located at the intersection of philosophy, theology and the cognitive sciences.

Recordings from the ETHICS x AI /HEL2019 program | ETHICS x AI /HEL2022